Equipment Management

Regular inspection and maintenance is the best way to maximize ROI and to extend lift life

Autotech Systems Midwest offers a maintenance, service and inspection program geared toward independent shops, dealerships, schools, transit centers, manufacturing, waste facilities and government facilities.

Why inspections by Autotech Systems Midwest should matter to you:

  1. Ensure a safe work environment for your technicians
  2. Less downtime
  3. Proven increase in lift life
  4. Improved employee morale
  5. Lower total cost of ownership

Protect your employees from work accidents caused by lift failures and reduce your risk of litigation by voluntary compliance with ALI standards.

  • Multi point lift inspections completed by ALI Certified Technicians
  • Inspection certificate installed on lift
  • Lift inspection worksheet prepared and presented to your shop after inspection
  • Documentation of wear areas for consideration of repair or full replacement

The following services are completed at the time of inspection:

  1. Tightening of anchor bolts and any loose hardware
  2. Checking of all chains and cables for excessive slack
  3. Adjusting of mechanical or air safety systems
  4. Cleaning of column bases
  5. Checking of all fastening devices for tightness and proper fit
  6. Checking of all lubrication points for cleanliness, integrity of fitting and presence of lubricant
  7. Adding of fluid to hydraulic reservoir if needed
  8. Examining of electrical components and wiring
  9. Checking of safety shut off
  10. Checking of all mechanisms for wear

Inspections demonstrate that you are striving to provide the safest possible environment for your employees.  We recommend annual inspections, at a minimum, with check-ups mid-year or quarterly.

Need to get your equipment inspected or looking for an ALI inspector?  We inspect lifts, air compressors, waste oil heaters, and much more.